Hi, my name is
Kieran Dansey.
I build things for the web.
I am a freelance web developer, and occasional designer, with a passion for building exceptional digital experiences.
View My Projects01.About Me
Hello! My name is Kieran and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet. My interest in web development started back in 2005 when I was making custom themes for myspace profiles. Fast-forward to today and I enjoy building full-featured websites and apps using modern design principles and tools.
I am a self-taught developer from Tayside, Scotland and I am currently looking to secure a position as a junior developer to further my own knowledge and abilities. My ultimate career aspiration is to become a backend, or full-stack engineer, and a project leader.
Here are some of the tools and technologies that I use;
- *Tailwind
- *Javascript (ES6+)
- *React/Next.js
- *Typescript
- *Node.js/Express
- *php/Laravel
- *Linux/Bash
- *MongoDB
- *Git/Github
- *SVG/Inkscape
02.Some Things I've Built
Featured Project
A fullstack music streaming app built with Next.js and hosted on Railway.app. Media is hosted in an S3 Bucket and streamed via Cloudfront with presigned urls.
- Next.js
- Fullstack
- AWS S3
- Cloudfront
Featured Project
A todo application demonstrating CRUD functionality (frontend only and limited to 10 lists/items). Built with Next.js 13 using the new app directory, typescript and tailwind. The app is fully responsive and is hosted on railway.app.
- Next.js
- Typescript
- Tailwind
Featured Project
A simple register & login page hosted on Github pages. The design is based on meaningful animations to enhance the user experience. Form data is parsed and validated to give feedback to the user.
- Javascript
- Github
Featured Project
A youtube clone with video uploads and streaming. It uses ffmpeg to handle video processing and has separate apps for backend (express) and frontend (react);
- React
- Express
- Axios
- ffmpeg
- MongoDB
Featured Project
My personal website built with Next.js and Tailwind. Intersection observer is used to achieve a scroll fade effect and anime.js is used for the logo animations.
- Next.js
- Tailwind
- Anime.js
03.What's Next?
Get In Touch
Thank you for taking the time to visit my site. If you have a project you wish to discuss, an opportunity for me, or would just like some more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Contact Me